Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"And He Has Sent Me Here."

To continue along these thoughts, of being sent here from a loving Heavenly Father, I must then ask myself, Why has He sent me to this place?" I don't believe in pre-determined destiny, but I do believe there are things that Heavenly Father would have me do. I believe we made promises to Him before this life and that He in turn has hopes and plans for us, just as many parents do for their children.

I believe Sheri Dew in her book that at times there is no one who can take your place and if you do not do it, it doesn't get done. One could feel over-whelmed that they are missing something HUGE if they don't do everything perfect so, they can receive revelation as to what their mission is here in life.

I think Heavenly Father would want us to choose some of our mission as we experience life. I feel He would like us to be like explorers and adventurers and discover our mission and who we really are and what we could do.

This give me a sensation of being an undercover agent, or someone like Indiana Jones. The times I have taken to ponder and seek, there is a truth that comes to me that I am His child, He wants me to succeed and He does have plan for me.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when your inner tom-boy comes out-- like when you feel like an explorer or a detective or Indiana Jones. I just love that adventurous side of you.

    On a more serious note, I also believe we were called forth and given assignments before we came to earth. And I believe that we were sent here to have JOY.

    I feel that joy comes from living so that the Holy Ghost can lead, guide and walk beside us, and help us find the way. As we live in tune to that great Spirit, we are directed to fulfill our responsibilities we have been given.

    Also, as you mentioned we are to choose some of that mission, I believe our joy is added upon as we learn what we truly want and then ask our Father in Heaven to help us to achieve it. "Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened unto you."

    So for me, one reason we were sent here was to have joy.
