Monday, August 31, 2009

O May My Soul Commune with Thee - Monday Night

Today I read where Lehi wondered in a deary wasteland and even though he was following someone and was not alone, he started to feel a great need to pray.  He prayed for the Lord's tender mercies.  The Lord, of course, heard his prayer and showed him the way.   Even when we feel we are following the path the Lord would have us go, we are trudging through this mortal wasteland and need to pray for tender mercies of the Lord.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

O May My Soul Commune with Thee

For this week the theme is "O May My Soul Commune with Thee."  Prayer is always a worthy subject to study and remember and re-learn.  The prophets have said that we must "Pray Always."  I have wondered what this could possilby mean and how could one always be talking to the Lord in prayer.  Today it occured to me that since prayer should really be a 2 part communication: talking and listening; one way a person could always be in an attitude of prayer, is to always be listening.
I taught my 4 year old's primary class in church today.  The lesson was talking about loving others and the lesson had an activity to teach the children to be better listeners.  We show love to others if we listen better to them.  My children remind me often that I'm not really listening, if I am not looking at them.  We have all experienced people who do listen well to us and people who don't and I would dare venture we like the first group of people a lot better.  If we love God, we should listen and learn how to listen.  How do we listen?

Friday, August 28, 2009

"And He Has Sent Me Here"

This morning my reflections are not on so much "why" He sent me here as that He did not send me here alone.  He sent His Son, the Holy Messiah, who made a perfect atonement which issues forth power and mercy to all who come to Him.  Christ has been sent here so, I do not have to walk my path alone.  Even though I am so very mortal, and imperfect, I have felt His love reaching out to me and helping me along the way.  Heavenly Father has also given us the precious, precious Gift of the Holy Ghost, which is something to be experienced, developed, studied and brings peace, not hype, anger, or confusion.  Submitting to their Leadership and pledging allegience to them brings great integrity into our lives.  "Their" being the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.  Great integrity brings with it power, strength, JOY and, of course, peace.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"And He Has Sent Me Here."

To continue along these thoughts, of being sent here from a loving Heavenly Father, I must then ask myself, Why has He sent me to this place?" I don't believe in pre-determined destiny, but I do believe there are things that Heavenly Father would have me do. I believe we made promises to Him before this life and that He in turn has hopes and plans for us, just as many parents do for their children.

I believe Sheri Dew in her book that at times there is no one who can take your place and if you do not do it, it doesn't get done. One could feel over-whelmed that they are missing something HUGE if they don't do everything perfect so, they can receive revelation as to what their mission is here in life.

I think Heavenly Father would want us to choose some of our mission as we experience life. I feel He would like us to be like explorers and adventurers and discover our mission and who we really are and what we could do.

This give me a sensation of being an undercover agent, or someone like Indiana Jones. The times I have taken to ponder and seek, there is a truth that comes to me that I am His child, He wants me to succeed and He does have plan for me.

Monday, August 24, 2009

"And He has Sent Me Here"

So, I have been pondering what this phrase and reasons that He has sent me here.

He has sent me here to enjoy life. 
He has sent me here to see the Sunsets and Sun rises.
He has sent me here to see the butterfiles and fishes.
He has sent me here to garden.
He has sent me here to view the flowers within the flowers.
He has sent me here to share His creations with my husband and children.
He has sent me here to experience friendships.
He has sent me here to experience the taste of foods.
He has sent me here to experience family.
He has sent me here to be a daughter.
He has sent me here to be a wife.
He has sent me here to be a mother.
He has sent me here to be a friend.
He has sent me here to be loved.
He has sent me here to love.
He has sent me here to smile.
He has sent me here to experience sorrow and to feel His support as He and His Son sorrow's with me.
He has sent me here and there to lift up the weary.
He has sent me here to dream and create.
He has sent me here to be tested and to endure.
He has sent me here to climb a mountain and swim in the sea.
He has sent me here to experience.
He has sent me here to succeed.
He has sent me here to make mistakes and to try again.
He has sent me here to forgive and ask forgiveness.
He has sent me here to prepare for a better life than this one and this one isn't too bad.
He has sent me here to learn and to teach truth.
He has sent me here to feel a meriad of feelings.
He has sent me here to learn how to work and overcome and submit and learn the freedom in submitting.
He has sent me here to experience opposition.
I think He is happy when I recognise all the beautiful reasons He sent me here to experience and sad when I am blinded by selfishness, and self pity to understand them.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"And He has Sent Me Here"

Two years ago I was able to participate in a women's choir that sang for the general Relief Society conference meeting. At that time, our conductor Marilee Webb would often give us a theme for the week from a phrase in our music. Since then, I will often choose a theme for the week or take a suggestion from a friend for a theme. This week's theme is from the song, "I am a Child of God." It is the second phrase, "And He has sent me here." My initial thoughts are to think about my relationship with God, that He is my father and what that could mean to give me confidence, and what responsibility that may entail as well.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Beginning

I have thought, meditated about doing a blog for a few years and as with many things this has been put on the back burner until it was the "right season." Well that is an excuse anyway. I feel that now I must act and do something about it.
So this is the beginning. It is short but, it is a start. A start to something that hopefully will mean something to someone. Even if that someone is just men.