Friday, August 28, 2009

"And He Has Sent Me Here"

This morning my reflections are not on so much "why" He sent me here as that He did not send me here alone.  He sent His Son, the Holy Messiah, who made a perfect atonement which issues forth power and mercy to all who come to Him.  Christ has been sent here so, I do not have to walk my path alone.  Even though I am so very mortal, and imperfect, I have felt His love reaching out to me and helping me along the way.  Heavenly Father has also given us the precious, precious Gift of the Holy Ghost, which is something to be experienced, developed, studied and brings peace, not hype, anger, or confusion.  Submitting to their Leadership and pledging allegience to them brings great integrity into our lives.  "Their" being the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.  Great integrity brings with it power, strength, JOY and, of course, peace.

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