Sunday, August 23, 2009

"And He has Sent Me Here"

Two years ago I was able to participate in a women's choir that sang for the general Relief Society conference meeting. At that time, our conductor Marilee Webb would often give us a theme for the week from a phrase in our music. Since then, I will often choose a theme for the week or take a suggestion from a friend for a theme. This week's theme is from the song, "I am a Child of God." It is the second phrase, "And He has sent me here." My initial thoughts are to think about my relationship with God, that He is my father and what that could mean to give me confidence, and what responsibility that may entail as well.

1 comment:

  1. My knowledge that "I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me and I love Him." got me through every challenging situation I ever faced as a youth. Whenever I was faced with an audition, a big test or any other challenging situation, I would repeat this phrase in my mind and I was instantly filled with peace and the confidence I needed to put my best foot forward.

    I am reminded of a quote shared with me by a friend that goes along with confidence in knowing who we are.

    President George Q. Cannon:

    "There was a period when we, with Jesus and others, basked in the light of the presence of God and enjoyed His smiles. We are the children of God, and as His children there is no attribute we ascribe to Him that we do not possess, though they may be dormant or in embryo. The mission of the gospel is to develop these powers and make us like our Heavenly Parent."

    If we really ponder that statement and strive to understand it, what confidence it can nurture within us.
