Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Scatter Sunshine

Tonight, I read the versus to "Scatter Sunshine." One line really stood out:

"Oh, what care and sorrow
You may help remove,
With your songs and courage,
Sympathy and love."
It reminded me of the YouTube I saw of Susan Boyle and her song of courage. Watching her sing in front of that British Audience and the judges, that beautiful song, "I Dreamed a Dream." Wow, total sunshine to my soul. I got excited, I wanted to Dream Dreams, and follow my dreams and DO something. Acting with courage in truth, we scatter sunshine. We can't help it.

Often, it takes courage to scatter sunshine in today's politically correct world. Even without all the political correctness, it is hard to look at a stranger in the eye and smile as you go by, or give a compliment; yet it can make a difference. 


  1. I tried it, and you are right! Even humming the song makes you feel good. It reminds me of my kids, especially Britannia, she is the kind of person who is always positive.

  2. Thanks for your comment Kris. You do have great kids.
